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We hope to see you in our course!
Deb Dietz, SMB Digital Education
Raising Confident Parents: Secrets from Baby Nurses and Parents about Pregnancy, Infant Care, and Achieving Sweet Dreams, by best selling authors and course creators Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD.
Click (green selections just below) for your two free downloads:
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Thank you for subscribing to our Raising Confident Parents email list. We will continue to provide you with updates about our course. And don't worry, we won't share your contact information with anyone for any purpose; and you can unsubscribe at any time..
We hope to see you in our course!
Deb Dietz, SMB Digital Education
Raising Confident Parents: Secrets from Baby Nurses and Parents about Pregnancy, Infant Care, and Achieving Sweet Dreams, by best selling authors and course creators Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD.
Click (green selections just below) for your two free downloads:
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