Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD are pregnancy and infant care experts and course creators for the 10-module, 44 lesson online course, Raising Confident Parents. Listen as they share what you'll learn in Module 1 of the course, Pregnancy.
Hi! I'm Mary
I'm pregnant and so excited to be starting on this incredible adventure. The next nine months may seem like an eternity, but I'll need all this time to prepare for my new arrival. I need to learn about different trimester symptoms and what can help, baby's development, when to call the doctor, tips to curb morning sickness, hormonal changes, food aversions, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, heartburn, bleeding, dehydration and more...what to expect; but also, what could happen that I didn't expect. I need to be prepared. I need as many tips as possible to overcome the symptoms of pregnancy and prepare myself for this incredible journey.
Babies don't come home with instruction manuals. Module One of the ten module Raising Confident Parents Online Course will teach you the common symptoms of pregnancy, along with tips from baby nurses and veteran parents to help you get through it.
Since Pam, Pat and SMB Digital Education launched the Raising Confident Parents Online Course with 10 modules and 44 lessons last fall, many have asked us if we could make all 10 modules available individually, making all the lessons very affordable. So, we did! Each module will now be available individually for under $50. To the right are the lessons included in Module 1: Pregnancy.