Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD are pregnancy and infant care experts and course creators for the 10-module, 44 lesson online course, Raising Confident Parents. Listen as they share what you'll learn in Module 7 of the course, Healthy Sleep Habits.
Hi! I'm Anita I just delivered my baby girl, and I know the sooner I start fostering healthy sleep habits with my daughter the better.
I've heard it before...the benefits of healthy sleep. I know what will happen if we get her on a healthy sleep schedule and teach her good sleep habits. She won't be the only one who benefits. Healthy sleep for her results in healthy sleep for our entire family too. We'll all get sick less often. We'll stay at a healthy weight. We'll lower our risk for serious health problems, reduce stress and improve all our moods. My older kids will be able to think more clearly and do better in school. Sleep can also boost our immune systems. It strengthens our hearts and improves memory. So to say healthy sleep for our newborn is critically important is an understatement! And I know that if we implement these good habits my family will begin to see those coveted 8 hours of sleep again very soon. And when our daughter is a toddler, we'll be in good shape and hopefully avoid some of the toddler sleep issues that can occur.
Since Pam, Pat and SMB Digital Education launched the Raising Confident Parents Online Course with 10 modules and 44 lessons last fall, many have asked us if we could make all 10 modules available individually, making all the lessons very affordable. So, we did! We’re releasing the modules a bit out of order, starting with Module 7: Healthy Sleep Habits. Each module will be available individually for under $50. To the right are the lessons included in Module 7: Healthy Sleep Habits.
Why start with Module 7? Because teaching babies good sleep habits from the very beginning will encourage healthy sleep that will continue for a life-time. Baby experts and best selling authors Pam Jones, RN and Pat Porrey, CPD teach the tips, the cues, the methods, and the schedules that can set baby up for long-term success - and have a positive impact on sleep for the entire family.